This quiz is dedicated to the amazing and diverse Marvel Universe. You will face over 100 questions that will test how well you know this world. As you progress, you will encounter Superheroes many times who have valuable advice prepared for you. They will help you move forward. Remember, each question has exactly one correct answer. And each mistake will cost you hearts. Additionally, each mistake will keep you from your next meeting with a Superhero. But dont despair if you lose all your hearts. Youll always have one last chance. Be attentive! And good luck!
The Specimen Zero
Kitty Griddion Gauntlet
Hill Climb Truck Transform Adventure
Clicker Time Game
ABC Halloween
City Banana Man Agent
2D Car Driving: Drive Safe
Sweet Dolls Mermaid Princess
Obby Minecraft Ultimate
Tile Multiplier Flier
Digit Shooter 1
Brazil Coloring Adventure
Remove The Puzzle
Celebrity Spring Fashion Trends
Build A Rich Queen
Sweet Girl Halloween Dress Up
Innocent Hexa Puzzle
Merging Hexa
Thief Escapes
Dino War Birds
10 x 10
Blockade Escapade
Block Rush
321 Diferent Patch
World of Alice Draw Numbers
Find Ghost
Monster Match Mania
BFF Easter Photobooth Party